Options - Perimeter

Menu Extra > Options > Tab Perimeter

If your perimeter is compatible (List of compatible perimeters), you can set up the data connection with the instrument on this tabulator page. Do this configuration only at the perimeter workstation where the data are imported and stored. All other workstations read only the stored visual fields from the PeriData database and do not need any connection to the perimeters. Multiple connections to the same perimeter cause trouble

There is an IMPORT interface and an EXPORT interface (see below, only for patient data)

Validity: The settings on this tab are valid for all users on this PC. Exception: If the option "each USER has his own Perimeter settings" is activated, the configuration is valid only for the current user and stored in the Windows User Registry. This option is mandatory on a Terminal Server and enables to configurate workstations with and without perimeter connection (special user names at the perimeter workstation !).

IMPORT Interface

COM1 .. COM4 (cable transmission)

Select the fitting device type at the box with the COM number where the cable is plugged in. The following perimeters are connected by cable:


Serial parameters. The configuration overrides the setting of the PC-device manager / the USB serial adapter. In the perimeter, the settings have to be done in accordance.
DATE FORMAT (HFA1/HFA2): Format of the date string from the perimeter. Wrong setting will distort month and day.
END OF FILE Check (HFA1/HFA2): ON (default): The data transmission is finished when the character "END OF FILE" was received. OFF: The transmission finishes after a timeout.

FILE (Import from a data file)

Select the fitting device type at one of the two FILE boxes. The following perimeter types are using a file transfer:

For several perimeters with the same data format, only one FILE box has to be defined. The FILE interface is also used for cable perimeters, if another process receives the cable data and stores them in a raw data file (e.g. in case of terminal-server architecture) Ask for our advice

Use this special IMPORT directory

OFF (default): The data import uses the standard directory C:\PeriDataExchange

ON: The data import uses a special directory, which is typed into the field below. UNC-path is possible. Maximum 39 characters. This option should only be used if there is no alternative. Ask for our advice

What is the IMPORT directory? Data reception consists of 2 steps: During the 1st step (RECEPTION STEP), the data are received at the COM interface and stored as a "Raw Data File" into the IMPORT directory. Concerning FILE interfaces, the external perimeter program writes the Raw Data Fileinto this directory. During the 2nd step (IMPORT STEP), the Raw Data File is read, converted and imported into the PeriData database. There are 2 reasons to change the IMPORT directory: 1. Terminal server architecture. 2.The perimeter control program cannot write into the standard directory.

Each USER has his own Perimeter settings on this computer

OFF (default): The same perimeter settings are valid for ALL USERS on this computer.

ON: The perimeter settings are valid ONLY FOR THIS USER. This is mandatory in case of a Terminal Server architecture. User means work station ("terminal"). Only the workstation beneath the perimeter is configurated for data import. The other workstations will have no perimeter activated on this tab.

Note: This item can only be changed with administrator privileges. The batch file "C:\PeriDataExchange\Create_PeriWin_Opt_Are_User_Specific.bat" will create a file called "PeriWin_Opt_Are_User_Specific.txt". If this file is existing, the item is ALWAYS ON. Accidentally changes are excluded, even with admin privileges.


OFF (default): PeriData imports all received data

ON: PeriData writes the raw data file into the import directory. The second IMPORT STEP step is blocked. Databases cannot be opened. -- The IMPORT STEP is performed by another PeriData program at another platform (e.g. a terminal server window). In this instance, a FILE interface is activated with the same perimeter type and the same IMPORT dirctory.

The program window shows the information text "Receiver mode" and minimizes automatically after being started. When closed, there is an additional warning.

EXPORT Interface

PeriData is able to send data into the opposite direction. This means that the current patient data (name, first name, date of birth, ID) are exported to the perimeter program. This saves the effort of typing in all the patient data at the perimeter. The perimeter program is started if necessary.

Export target

The following perimeter types are able to receive patient data (click on the link for more info):

send ID

When PeriData sends the patient data, some perimeters match the patient by the ID, some by the patient name and some can be configurated. Usually, the "send ID" option is ON. Please check the specific help texts.

Store configuration

ACCEPT: Accepts the settings and tests the COM port. This make take up to 10 seconds

OK: Like 'Accept', and closes the dialog window.

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