Change data   (Database Window)


Keys:  Ctrl + E
Menu:  Edit > Change data
Context menu:  Change data

The function "Change data" allows the change of patient data and examination data. It is called in the database window and affects all red marked (selected) examinations.).

Limitations: Examination data can olnly be changed, if a single examination is selected. With multiple examinations, the change of patient data is possible. In the Link Mode (EMR integration), multiple select is not possible.

Change Patient data

Name, Date of birth and ID can be changed. For multiple examinations, all selected examinations are modified

The preset ist taken from the bottom examination. In the Link Mode, patient data cannot be changed.

Change examination data

Only general examination data can be changed. The measurement results are not editable.

Comments: Remarks concerning this examination (e.g. bad glas centering, many interruptions) The field may be empty initially, if the instrument did not send specific data

Eye: If the eye was chosen wrongly during the examination, it can be corrected subsequently. Other consequences of this mix-up are not eliminated, e.g. erraneous values of fixation control because the blind spot was searched on the wrong side.

Exam date: If the system date of the perimeter was misaligned, this error can be corrected subsequently. The exam time cannot be changed.

Program code number: This number plays a role in the trend analysis, because it helps to determine the compatibility of different examinations. Sometimes it was not transmitted correctly and the trend analysis does not work well. In such a case please call our hotline before changing this number.

Visual acuity: Text field with 4 characters, input like "CF" is possible

Sphere, Cylinder: The glass used during the examination. Textfield with 5 characters, input like "CL" are possible. Numbers are not checked for plausibility

Axis: The input range is 0 to 360

Pupil: The input is 0 to 9.9mm

Confirm the changes

Changes have to be confirmed by a click on the button"Change". The ENTER key is not allowed for safety reasons.